Lyalvale Express Pigeon Power 12ga 29g 6 Fibre Wad Cartridge

Lyalvale Express Pigeon Power 12ga 29g 6 Fibre Wad Cartridge

A powerful, hard-hitting cartridge, designed to offer optimum lethality at long range, at a competitive price.

The traditional 2 ¾ inch case has a low brass head and a plastic wad to provide excellent stopping energy for pigeon and rough shooters.

The ideal cartridge choice for semi-automatic (self loading) or pump action models.

Currently not available in store


Lyalvale Express Pigeon Power 12ga 29g 6 Fibre Wad Cartridge

Prices; due to the extremely volatile market at present, prices are subject to change at very short notice.


25 –          £8.99

250 –       £86.90

500 –      £167.80

1000 –   £323.60

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