Barnett King Rat Black Widow Slingshot


Barnett King Rat Black Widow Slingshot

The Black Window sling shot introduced the foldaway wrist braced for easier portability and storage. This provides the best of both worlds: better leverage and a longer power stroke when the wrist brace is engaged, and compact shape that won’t take up space when the wrist brace is folded away. The Black Widow put Barnett on the map as the leader in slingshot technology, and it’s still true today.

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Barnett King Rat Black Widow Slingshot

The Black Window sling shot introduced the foldaway wrist braced for easier portability and storage. This provides the best of both worlds: better leverage and a longer power stroke when the wrist brace is engaged, and compact shape that won’t take up space when the wrist brace is folded away. The Black Widow put Barnett on the map as the leader in slingshot technology, and it’s still true today.

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